Book Titles

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Pita Pekapeka pp. acrobat bat

PITA PP WAS a super-hero bat. My favourite character is Pita pp.The sad thing was he had no friends. The age I think that should read it is age 8 .

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Go Murph

Have you read 'Go Murph' yet?
With the Hamilton 400 car race nearly here I thought it would be a really good one to focus on. Remind me to put it out for class reading.
A group of Primary School children wrote it about Greg Murphy but have told it from a cars perspective. They have used interesting illustrations which show how he grew up to be the great racing driver he is today.

Mrs M

Monday, February 15, 2010

Where the wild things are

Room 5 Lions have been busy reading Where the wild things are by Maurice Sendak.
We want to share our thoughts on this story. Please leave us a comment about your favourite part of the story or illustrations and explain why.

Where the Wild Things Are By Maurice Sendak
Once there was a boy named Max. He got a little bit angry and his mum called him Wild Thing. Max imagined that he went to a wild land. It was a land filled with monsters roaring with fear and claws. The monsters wanted to eat Max. Max smelled something yummy and he began returning to his home in time for dinner.

By Ashleigh